From Machine Learning to Deep Learning and Optimized Learning
时间:2021-07-21    浏览量:

报告题目:From Machine Learning to Deep Learning and Optimized Learning

主 讲 人:方正天

报告时间:2021722日(星期四) 上午10:00


报告摘要: Machine Learning (ML) has been around for decades, empowering many AI applications from computer vision, to bioinformatics. Recently Deep Learning gained a remarkable popularity as a branch of ML, by its power to progressively extract higher-level features from the raw input through multiple "deep" layers. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is such a flagship model of DL that has unprecedented influential innovations in the field of computer vision and object recognition. While CNN has shown its power in many real-life case studies and successful deployment, recently much attentions of computer scientists are focused on how to build a best CNN for a given task with the best performance. In this workshop, we would introduce about a holistic methodology called Optimized Learning (OL) which is designed to uplift the performance of DL, from augmenting the input data, to the CNN optimization and corrective output learning. The context of optimization in OL here is different from traditional optimization algorithms. ML usually acts indirectly in terms of enhancing the prediction performance. The speaker shares with his two decades of data mining experience from which, it is observed that optimization in OL needs to be done at several levels and at different places of a ML model. This talk sheds light to anybody who is interested in leveraging a better ML/DL model for better outcomes, especially in critical applications where the best possible accuracy matters.

主讲人介绍:方正天(Simon James Fong)九十年代毕业于澳大利亚拉筹伯大学,获得一级荣誉学士学位和计算机系统博士学位。方正天现任澳门大学计算机与信息科学系的副教授,南非德班科技大学信息学系名誉兼职教授和西安工程大学客座教授,珠海中科院客座教授,清华大学高级访问学者。他是澳门大学科技学院数据分析和协作计算实验室(DACC-LAB)的联合创始人。在他的学术生涯,方正天担任过各种管理和技术职务,例如在澳大利亚,新加坡,香港等地担任工程师,IT 顾问和电子商务总监。方正天已发表了超过 500多个国际会议和同行评审的期刊论文,主要涉及数据挖掘,数据流挖掘,大数据分析,元启发式优化算法及其应用领域。他为《Journal of Network and Computer Applications of Elsevier》,《IEEE IT Professional Magazine》,《the Chinese Journal of Artificial Intelligence》以及各种以SCIE 索引的期刊特刊承担编辑工作。方正天一位活跃的研究人员,并且是一些学术组织的核心成员同时担任重要职务,例如 IEEE 计算智能协会(CISBusiness Intelligence & Knowledge Management工作组的副主席,IEEE ComSoc e-Health SIG TC 主席,科学与工业中的优化和建模(iCOMSI)的副主席。方正天于2020年入选中国海外高层次人才引进计划,并被授予国家特聘专家称号。